Wednesday, November 26, 2008

So Here's Where It All Started

This project was inspired by 1000 Journals at
I was challenged by the idea of sending out a creative project and just having to trust it would travel on its own perfect journey.

From My Hand To Yours continues on in the spirit of 1000 Journals - the collaborative play of creative spirits. But in the midst of hi-tech and cyber space, I have chosen to return to one of the most fundamental of human connections - TOUCH.

So the intention behind this book is that it is passed on from hand to hand. Of course it can go through many interim hands as it travels from artist to artist. Essentially, its journey relies on the links between people and a shared love of adventure and art.

Feel free to do as much or as little as suits, but please respect the work of previous artists and do not alter pages someone else has already worked on. And please leave the cover as it stands. If you find you have had the book for a month without touching a page, its probably best to pass it on.

I am inviting everyone who contributes to this project to send me images of their pages for posting on this blog. I am also interested in anything you want to share about working on this project. Of course we can also use this site to line up the logistics of moving the book around. For instance, an artist in Brisbane may need to get the book to a friend in Adelaide. You can then put up a post to see who knows someone who can get it there. And it will be fun to track it's journey and the lives it touches as it goes on its way.

This is the book which I liberated from a Thrift shop in Paddington, Brisbane.


Bronwyn said...

Well Done Karin Absolutely Fabulous

Unknown said...

Good for you, Karin - it's great! I love the whole artistic-recycling-new life-idea of it, and the idea of its journey. The journey will make it a new kind of journal, I suppose.